Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell is proud to provide the following resources to clients and friends in the industry.
老葡京手机app regularly hosts professional education events for clients, friends of the firm and other industry colleagues. Check out our list of upcoming (and past) events to find out how you can benefit from our professionals’ expertise.
老葡京手机app’s quick reference resources are high-level insights about critical issues and concerns facing your organization. Our team is available to help you implement solutions to keep your business on track to long-term success.
老葡京手机app has published a series of success stories to demonstrate using firsthand accounts how we are helping individual and institutional clients succeed. Our stories begin with a client situation, describe our firm’s role and then details the results.
老葡京手机app publishes a series of quarterly alerts and a monthly tax and wealth management newsletter to bring to you updates about some of the latest issues affecting you and your business. Subscribe now to avoid missing out on the latest news.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, 老葡京手机app played a leading role in delivering education about federal legislation, the Paycheck Protection Program and other developments to help clients navigate the unique environment created by the coronavirus.
Accounting and advisory firms don’t thrive for more than 100 years by operating in isolation. Review the different industry groups and communities 老葡京手机app belongs to that lets clients and others know who we are and how we can help them succeed.
Accounting terminology a little complicated? Fortunately, our professionals have all the knowledge you need to navigate complex tax, accounting and advisory challenges. Nevertheless, this guide can help you make sense of different terms and acronyms.
老葡京手机app is proud to share the feedback of a peer accounting firm every few years to let clients, our state accounting society and the AICPA know that we operate according to best practices and principles grounded in providing the highest level of service.